As you probably already know, I’m not the biggest fan of cold weather. Interestingly, the usually sweat-inducing Manila has been offering chilly weather recently and I haven’t been that ecstatic to go out nor dress up. Thanks to the drop in degrees though, I remembered 1) my recent cold trip that actually called for wearing something thick and warm but I was somehow completely off the winterwear mark (see exposed belly above) and 2) that I still needed to blog about said trip (and said lack of winter-dressing know how).
So here’s a quick outfit post on what I wore to the lovely city of Bethlehem – first city of the trip. My posts may not be in chronological order but I think they mostly mimic how my brain works with bits and pieces of the puzzle forming some haze and distractions sprouting here and there making me lose sight of chronology altogether. I was reminded very recently of the trip via a beautiful (teaser) video and I felt all sorts of nostalgic. Let me tell you, when that happens, my next step mostly always involves tackling my emotions and because as an only child with no sibling to run my emotions by, that would most definitely translate to a blog post.
I hope you’re up for the read – it’ll be ready soon.
Coat, ZARA | Crop sweater, NAVA | Jeans, TOPSHOP | Sunglasses, RAYBAN | Sneakers, NIKEĀ