Men’s button down, MUJI | Shorts and earrings, FOREVER21 | Wallet, MANGO | belt, CALVIN KLEIN | Ring, TOXIC CANDY SHOP | Barrette, GOODY
Been working on post-Platform requirements, including a contest that SMART is doing with the brands who participated. See, one of the reasons why I love Platform so much is the fact that the opportunities don’t end with the event. Brands, sponsors and organizers alike (yeah us too!) are growing with each other. Not sure if I can share the mechanics just yet, but since I’ve been talking about Smart Bro’s Rocket Chic plug-it a lot recently, I decided to come up with another outfit inspired by the fashionably functional gadget. 😉
Oh, and speaking of Platform, here’s a little teaser of what went down last March 17, 2012. If you didn’t go, despite all my attempts to invite, well, here’s what you missed. a peek of what you missed really. but you get the point.
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