It’s interesting how there are certain things you never thought you’d wear but when forced unto you (mostly via a stylist as I honestly don’t know who nor how else people can force clothes and accessories on you), you realize that they deserve a shot.
This look was styled by two of my favorite girls Nico Aquino and Potch Yambao aka the Girls of Nima for the Ann Marie lookbook shoot we did a couple months back. Never really considered donning a floppy hat prior to this especially since everyone seems to be wearing one nowadays. (I just bought a hunter hat so that’s my way of swimming in a different direction.)
But, the point of this post (if there is a point to all this rambling) is that certain pieces we overlook or flat-out shun should maybe be given at least one try. So, if you’re averse to prints/blacks/pants/heels/flats/etc., maybe you should take one quick go at it before deciding you don’t like it. You might.
Let’s both be more reasonable than “everyone is wearing it therefore it’s not for me.” Gave the floppy hat and lacy, crochet shorts a go. I like it enough to blog it, but now that I’ve tried it, I’ll probably retreat to my old favorites. Old habits die hard and old aversions are not easily overcome.
Still, I conquered something new and that’s totally bloggable.
Clothes by ANN MARIE
Photos by BER GARCIA