More and more the idea of taking a long break is calling to me. Maybe not a year long like my soul sister Liz Gilbert did but maybe a month or two of just finding balance and rejuvenating myself.
I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned it here but I actually work as a social media manager for a brand close to my heart. And I love my job, the field and the digital sphere in its totality but I guess the only downside of it is that while I’m extremely mobile, I also have to be really connected and there doesn’t seem to be room for days off. Don’t get me wrong, I can travel whenever and wherever I want but I don’t think I have the capacity to not check in for 12 hours straight and sometimes going offline – even just for a full weekend – is just the antidote to mental (and creative) fatigue.
So when I do get the chance to go offline (though most of the time not by choice), I cherish it. And any experience that gets me off my phone is something I will always be grateful for. I hope more people realize that spending time with the ones you love (sans Candy Crush or Facebook) is one of the best ways to show you care in today’s highly digital arena. And nothing bothers me more than being with someone who is constantly, not to mention fervently, tapping their touch-screen gizmos.
My short digital hiatus (just for a few hours) came in the form of basking in the glory of the sea thanks to areas rendered sans internet. Time off was a blessing on its own but to be in this beautiful setting too was just precious. Coerced nature appreciation isn’t necessarily my ideal way of taking in the world’s beauty but coerced or not, it was definitely appreciated.
Top, SWAY CHIC | Shorts, FORME