Top, OXYGEN | Sequin shorts, SM GTW | Heels, RENEGADE FOLK | Necklace with pendant, vintage | Gold leaf necklace, FORME | Ribbon ring and flower ring, FOREVER 21 | Ponytail, GOODY
Photos by Nadine
I literally wrote at least 5 drafts already. None of them made much sense so based on this morning’s track record, this one might not either. Also, starting with a disclaimer has never really been my thing, but let’s both see how this goes. Wore gold and silver together (a no-no, really) as a rebellion of sorts against the fact that my best friend’s leaving for Guam again. I’d have pushed it and explained how it metaphorically signifies breaking boxes we put ourselves in and how my best friend’s positivity does the same, but that’s senseless unless you actually meet her. It just isn’t the same on screen. I also realized I wore sequins, heels, and layers of bling – two to be exact, but still one too many – to a quick Red Mango trip. Toned the look down fairly well with this overused Oxygen top. Going back to the whole supposed subliminally meaningful part – my gold and silver together- I must say I actually like it. Then again, their being miniscule – and consequently, not noticeable – is partially to blame. Must grab more thin stranded things. Oh and here’s my best friend coerced into taking an outfit shot (edit: which she made me delete). I suggest you find someone like her. She is a funny, self-help audiobook. Such a steal.
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