Not necessarily sure what it is about Gen Y that I’m proud to be a part of but I’m glad I grew up in the 90s. Maybe it’s the Spice Girls, maybe it’s NSYNC. I’m just happy to be on the brink of Gen Y and not a millennial where my all-time icon probably would’ve been Miley.
Even cooler is the fact that everybody’s been giving a knowing nod to the 90s in runways – Alexander Wang, Phillip Lim, even Saint Laurent. So here’s my own ode to the era of Britney Spears’ belly-baring ensembles, head-to-toe plaids and other Clueless reminders. Though I wear none from what I just mentioned, I’m willing to bet that this top’s special appearance is care of the ghost of 90s past. I did find it while ransacking my aunt’s closet and there really is no mistaking the knit’s ribbing. (Or am I the only one associating the 90s with stretchable lines?)
Kept everything else streamlined with boyfriend jeans, white pointed flats and my favorite upside down sling. Realized that since the jeans month project I did last July, I’ve been finding my legs wrapped in indigo more and more. Not that I necessarily mind. Denim is also very 90s and I think we’ve established I’m imbibing the decade’s spirit.
I may have to admit that I was born on the mere cusp of the 90s (as in 1990) and am therefore not as well-versed in the decade as much as I would like to be (or am pretending to be). My only saving grace, I guess, is the fact that I’m also a horse baby and, if you weren’t aware, after 12 years of waiting this year is finally my year. So while I’m faking spending “teenage years” in said grunge decade – more like formative, really – at least I’ll spend this new year in supposed fortune.
I refuse to read any negative horoscopes, btw. So, 2014, so far, so good.
Top, GAP | Jeans, GIORDANO | Flats, PRIMADONNA | Bag, MARGIELA for H&M
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