When I got back to the office yesterday (yes, just yesterday), I didn’t expect people to call out how much darker I’ve gotten in the past few days. ‘Cause one, I didn’t initially think I did and two, I was in the midst of other officemates who also spent last week in Boracay. Shouldn’t that have neutralized all skin tones?
And although I refuse to admit it, I did recognize a darker self while staring in the mirror deliberating how many shades of skin I’ve bypassed (via tan-line hunting, of course). See, running from shade to shade (literally) at the beach is supposedly more effective than sun-block so my new layer of yellow was perplexing.
It then dawned on me (as I was skimming through bloggable photos) that those nasty minutes spent under the sun – at noon, no less – to take what then seemed like a million outfit shots were to blame. The shots turned out to be short of what I actually needed for blogging purposes but apparently more than enough to get a “golden glow”.
Anyway, here’s a quick outfit that stayed on my body for about as long as the photos were taken. Although I brought this ForMe scarf for the sole purpose of turning it into some halter-crop variation, it was just too hot to wear anything more than what could be considered underwear.
My next step now would be deciding whether or not I like my new tan a la juicy golden McNugget. If I don’t, well, let’s just say I can always Whitening Serum my way through the rest of May.
And if I do, get ready for innumerable #selfies.