As much as I love interviewing people, I actually also enjoy being interviewed. Mostly because I like (honestly) answering questions and unearthing the whats and the whys that I may not have been fully aware of. (Let’s also not discount the fact that I like to talk.)
Had the pleasure of being interviewed by the lovely Elisa Aquino for Interaksyon.com and had an amazing time. I was obviously more talkative than the usual capacity of people’s phones but the turnout was wonderful.
Here are a few excerpts from the q&a part:
What moved you to pursue fashion? Was there a pivotal event that led to your choice?
Oh yes, pivotal is the word. After college I started working for HP, it got pretty technical and I felt like I was slowly losing my sanity. (Truth). Then I started seeing fashion blogs and when I finally got the courage to start my own, I realized I knew absolutely nothing about fashion. So I enrolled in SoFA, became a full-time employee AND a full-time student for three months then I finally quit my job and jumped with my two feet into fashion.
How was the transition from a Management Engineering student to a fashion stylist like?
Very different. I mean I loved my course, what I studied, and numbers—the whole shebang. Transitioning to fashion, in general, was easier because the management side of me was always on auto-pilot (still is).
The interesting and I guess the humbling thing about the shift was that I was trained to plot my direction in a corporate ladder—it was very structured; output and performance were measurable; and there was a sort of safety net that you didn’t have to start at an internship anymore because you already did that in college.
But in fashion, I was back to zero. I had to do so many internships/jobs that I never thought I’d accept. Even the set-up of say, styling, where you have to physically kneel and dress people and run around after them—it was all very humbling. I’m still learning.
What is the most fulfilling thing about being one?
It’s been said a lot, I think, but truly the most fulfilling thing about blogging is being able to inspire people. If they’re inspired by the style or the writing—that’s awesome and I’m eternally grateful for the opportunity to be someone that people find inspiration in—but what I love most is when readers are inspired by the journey—following dreams and pursuing passions. That’s my absolute favorite.
Read the full interview and more right here.
p.s. if YOU have any questions for me, throw away! You can ask me anything in the comments section, on my Facebook page, on twitter/instagram (both @alyssalapid) or in an email. Trust me, I enjoy answering them.
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