Let me share my two minute encounter with Joe Jonas.
During the Joe Jonas for Bench press conference, I was one of the lucky ones given the chance to ask Joe a question. I went last.
00:00:00-00:00:10 A: Hi Joe! Why did you agree to become a part of the Bench family?
00:00:11 – 00:01:15 Joe answers. He said when they offered him the endorsement he checked the website and found that the clothes of Bench were his style. Acco. to him, it was a ‘no-brainer.’ He also mentioned that he has always wanted to see the Philippines and all its wonders, so he said yes.
Picture taking time. I had an extra dose of luck and was one of the bloggers who got to take pictures with Joe.
00:01:16 – 00:01:22 Joe: Hi! It’s nice to see you again.
00:01:23 – 00:01:34 A: Hey! Thank you for answering my question.
00:01:35-00:01:38 He puts his hand around my waist. *i also think he mumbled something else like a ‘no problem’ or a ‘sure’. But my sense of touch was heightened thanks to his hand on my waist, so naturally, his words got drowned out.*
00:01:39-00:01:43 Cameras start clicking and we pose.
00:01:44 – 00:01:50 A: Joe, can you look there? *points to Tracy’s camera*
00:01:51-00:01:54 poses again, this time looking at Tracy’s cam so I have my own copy *which I never got, come to think of it.*
00:01:55 – 00:01:57 A: Thank you so much!
00:01:58-00:01:59 Joe: Thank you also!
00:02:00 *last look*
There you go! My two minute rendezvous with Joe Jonas. I should’ve worn something more…seductive. Kidding! But I probably should’ve worn something that spelled ‘event’ more. In my defense, that was the day we were walking fashion week and I wanted to wear something comfy. Model off duty ang peg! Sorry Joe.
Thank you so much to Bench, Ben Chan and Lawrence Cua for this. Lemme just say, other brands may opt for the hype, but you, you guys deliver. Congratulations!
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